Monday, 28 October 2013

Emergent urban strategies::: Rules of city reconfiguration - preliminary studies

Path following algorithm
Path following algorithm with attraction
Stimergy - pheromone trails

:::Disruptive Eco_logics::: 2013 at Die Angewandte IOA / Urban strategies:::03_OBJECTS

:::Disruptive Eco_logics::: 2013 at Die Angewandte IOA / Urban strategies:::02_PROTOTYPES

Friday, 20 September 2013

:::Disruptive Eco_logics::: 2013 at Die Angewandte IOA / Urban strategies:::01_PROBES

A couple of sketches - probes of 3D attracted grid. The definition is based on a attraction of points to the group of agents flowing in a space.

The main goal of the research was to acquaint with new contemporary conceptual design and technological approaches using relevant digital techniques in terms of producing new speculative design strategies of architectural environments. Concept was based on exploring new design potentials reflecting disruptive processes in nature and their further development and inplementation into the computational models. The logic of these processes and its using in architectural models can define different speculative image of matter driven by digital technology and evokes another meaning of ecological aspects of the environment which is out of conventional eco‐relational models of design‐thought. I have built my own computational algorithm (GHdefinition) and 3D animation model of self‐organized nonlinear syntetic eco‐structures based on the logic of attraction and environment interaction using 3D digital tool Grasshopper and Rhinoceros.